Monday, June 30, 2014


Bloodstone is very purifying, it assists one in removing self-doubt and limitations when moving forward with courage to manifest one's dreams. Bloodstone helps one to stay grounded and loving while facilitating a stable path in connecting with the divine through meditation. Known for it's success in manifesting abundance and good fortune, Bloodstone is a fantastic ally for business people and entrepreneurs alike.

Read more about Bloodstone here.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and assists one in organizing the mind. Protective and grounding, Fluorite aids in meditation while preventing anything from manipulating one psychically.

Read more about Fluorite here.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz is a great ally for connecting one's self to their highest path by assisting one with retrieving the parts of the soul that have been separated. Tangerine quartz releases feelings of vulnerability during periods of intense transformation.

Read more about Tangerine Quartz here:

Monday, June 23, 2014


Barite assists in the release of deep-seeded emotions and feelings, and brings calm and self assurance.

Read more about Barite here

Friday, June 20, 2014


Citrine is a stone of abundance. It assists one in connecting with their second and third chakras and diminishes self destructive activities.

Read more about Citrine here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Candle Quartz

Candle Quartz brings one back into a heart centered place. Assisting one with meditation and healing, it helps you to find gratitude for the abundance in your life which attracts more abundance.

Read more about Candle Quartz here

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Que Sera

Que Sera is a very interesting combination of minerals. Composed of 8 different minerals, Que Sera is said to assist one in letting go of expectations through surrender and trust in the divine. Helping one to let go of fear, worry, and grief, Que Sera helps you to find faith in all transitions and spaces.

Read more about Que Sera here

Monday, June 16, 2014



Ametrine is the culmination of both Amethyst and Citrine that have grown together. Ametrine is said to inspire one's creativity and promote clarity while achieving one's dreams.

Read more about Ametrine here.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Celestite is known for it's calming and clearing properties. It is said to help one in recalling their dreams and promote clarity.

Read more about Celestite here

Friday, June 13, 2014

Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz brings clarity and aids with communication and self expression. A great tool to expand one's own psychic abilities, this stone amplifies one's own intuition. Bringing stress relief and joy, blue topaz works with the upper three chakras and is cooling on the emotional body.

Read more about Blue Topaz here