Sunday, September 29, 2013

Anhydrite: Peace in the Wings of an Angel

Anhydrite is also called Angels Wings due to it's natural crystal formation.

Anhydrite dispels anger.

Anhydrite is used to connect and communicate with spirit guides and allies.

Learn more about Anhydrite here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Super 7-in-1: Healing for the Body, Mind and Spirit

Super 7-in-1 is a high frequency stone that contains 7 different minerals.

Super 7-in-1 supports all spiritual and metaphysical work.

Super 7-in-1 aids in the release of old patterns which no longer serve our highest good.

Learn more about Super 7-in-1 here.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Connect with Thomsonite

Thomsonite promotes a connection between the physical and luminous bodies.

Thomsonite is a rare zeolite.

Thomsonite aids in the removal of blockages from one's life.

Learn more about Thomsonite here.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fulgurite: Stone of Leadership

Fulgurites are formed by lightning strikes to sand or rock.

Fulgurites have the ability to direct and channel energy.

Fulgurites are used as stones of leadership.

Learn more about Fulgurites here.