Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ruby for Stability

Ruby shields and protects the heart.

Ruby discourages violence.

Ruby induces stability and aids in sleep.

Learn more about Ruby here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vanadinite for Defining Goals

Vanadinite encourages prayer, meditation, revelation and direct communication with the spirit world.

Vanadinite can help us be thrifty in spending both energy and money.

Vanadinite helps us define goals and pursue them in an orderly manner.

Learn more about Vanadinite here.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kunzite Attracts Romantic Love

Kunzite activates the heart, throat and third eye chakras.

Kunzite produces feelings of peace and love.

Kunzite connects one with the source of infinite love, self-love and romance.

Learn more about Kunzite here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Diopside and the Feminine Self

Diopside stimulates the intellect.

Diopside can help treat psychological disorders.

Diopside awakens one to the feminine within oneself.

Learn more about Diopside here.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chrysanthemum Stone for Removing Obstructions

Chrysanthemum Stone fosters the unfolding of spiritual growth.

Chrysanthemum Stone helps us to perceive aspects of ourselves which obstruct our progress on the Path of Spirit.

Chrysanthemum Stone helps us in releasing those hindering aspects as we shift, change and grow.

Learn more about Chrysanthemum Stone here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Que Sera Rhyolite Encourages the Completion of Tasks

Que Sera Rhyolite is a stone of resolution.

Que Sera Rhyolite attracts that which you actually need, not what you think you need or want.

Que Sera Rhyolite connects you with the power of your inner strength.

Learn more about Que Sera Rhyolite here.