Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blue Kyanite for Tranquility

Blue Kyanite opens all the chakras.

Blue Kyanite aids in meditation.

Blue Kyanite does not retain negative energy and does not need cleansing.

Learn more about Blue Kyanite here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Emotional Healing with Heaulandite

Heulandite supports psychic abilities.

Heulandite promotes communication and connection with Spirit Allies and Guides.

Heulandite encourages an open mind.

Learn more about Heulandite here.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Herkimer Diamond for Harmony

Herkimer Diamond is a stone of attunement.

Herkimer Diamond aids in the recovery of memory.

Herkimer Diamond helps expand awareness and inspires creativity and imagination.

Here is some more information about Herkimer Diamond.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hematite and the Universal Light of Love

Hematite is a stone of the mind.

Hematite helps one realize that the only limitations that exist are the self-limiting concepts within the mind.

Hematite helps transform negativity to the purity of the universal light of love.

Learn more about Hematite here.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Geodes Enhance Your Connection with Mother Earth

Geodes support meditation and grounding.

Geodes bring harmony and intellectual insight.

Geodes energy connects you directly to the power and substance of Mother Earth.

Learn more about Geodes here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Barite for Self Assurance

Barite supports the pursuit of dreams.

Barite encourages independence.

Barite brings calm and self assurance.

Learn more about Barite here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Turquoise the Master Healer

Turquoise strengthens the meridians and subtle bodies.

Turquoise is both a protective force and a bestower of goodness.

Turquoise dissipates negative energy when the negativity does not exist within the self.

Learn more about Turquoise here.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Candle Quartz for Insight

Candle Quartz is energetic and grounding.

Candle Quartz amplifies and concentrates the energy of other stones.

Candle Quartz supports the process of delving deeply within.

Learn more about Candle Quartz here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Opal Enhances Our Sacred Experiences

Opal facilitates visions with understanding.

Opal encourages meditation and journey work.

Opal enhances creativity and artistic pursuits.

Learn more about Opal here.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Faden Quartz Crystal for Journeying

Faden quartz supports and protects during deep meditation and journeying.

Faden Quartz holds the energy of interconnection and communication.

This crystal facilitates the attunement between one's self and .another individual, group, and world.

Learn more about connecting with Faden Quartz here.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Black Tourmaline for Protection

Black Tourmaline is a highly protective stone.

Black Tourmaline helps protect us from the negativity of the physical and spiritual planes and also from the spirits that are not in the "light".

Black Tourmaline is excellent for grounding excess energy.

Learn more about Black Tourmaline here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Chalcedony for Receptivity

Chalcedony is a stone of balance.

Chalcedony symbolizes benevolence and goodwill.

Chalcedony enhances generosity.

Learn more about Chalcedony here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Apophyllite for Universal Love

Apophyllite creates a connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

Apophyllite attunes the body to a higher dimensional form.

Apophyllite also brings "light" energy to one's being and love to one's heart.

Learn more about Apophyllite here.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fluorite for Organization and Balance

Fluorite is a highly protective stone.

Fluorite blocks psychic manipulation.

Fluorite also enhances spiritual awakening and intuition.

You can learn more about Fluorite and the different properties each variation holds here.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Diamantina Laser Wands Clears Energy Blockages

Diamantina Laser Wands are powerful helpers during meditation.

Diamantina Laser Wands focus, concentrates and accelerates the energy passing through it.

Diamantina is alsp very protective as it cuts away energetic patterns that have lost their usefulness.

Find out more about the healing qualities of Diamantina Laser Wands here.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Calcite for Grounding and Centering

Calcite is a stone of spirituality and wisdom.

Calcite amplifies and clears energy and boosts memory.

Calcite can help bring inner peace and increase prosperity.

Learn more about Calcite here.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Azurite for Personal Insight

Azurite, also known as the " stone of heaven" helps enhance creative abilities.

Azurite stimulates the pursuit of the heavenly self.

Azurite can help reveal insight into all areas of ones life.

You can learn more about the many different types of Azurite here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good Health with Topaz

Topaz is a powerful stone that can remove negativity and replace it with joy, abundance and good health.

Topaz fosters creativity, individuality and hope.

Topaz also assists with expressing ideas.

Learn about the many different types of Topaz here.