Monday, December 31, 2012

Moldavite: Manifest Positive Life Changes

An extraterrestrial stone associated with a meteor strike that happened over 15 million years ago, Moldavite is a great way to amplify positivity in your life.

Moldavite accelerates personal evolution and spiritual growth.

Learn more about Moldavite here.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rose Quartz to Open Your Heart

Rose Quartz teaches forgiveness and tolerance.

Rose Quartz helps clear stored stress, anger and resentment and opens the heart inviting inner peace.

Rose Quartz is calming and restores harmony.

To learn more about the healing qualities of Rose Quartz, click here.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Black Phantom Quartz for the Evolutionary Process

Black Phantom Quartz helps us to see before, after and the struggles in between as part of our evolutionary process.

Black Phantom Quartz helps us to perceive how the inner is the foundation of the outer, and spiritual, the foundation of the material.

Black Phantom Quartz is a wonderful stone for the mystic and the seer.

Learn more about how the "phantom" is created in the Black Phantom Quartz here.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Manifest Your Creativity With Garnet

Garnet stimulates the development and movement of the kundalini energy, unleashing the creative powers within to flow. 

This is a 4 pointed star Garnet Sphere from Brazil.

Read more about Garnet here.