Thursday, November 8, 2012


Agate offers courage to its holder.

Agate is also a protective stone.

The energy of Agate is healing and calming.

Learn more about Agate's transformational abilities here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dream Stone

Dream Stones are beautiful quartz crystals that are very effective for gazing.

Dream Stones can connect you with the world of light.

Dream Stones are very potent and dynamic.

Learn how to work with Dream Stones here.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Healing Attributes of Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals and Gemstones have brought so much positive gifts into the lives of many people.

Some crystals and gemstones can enhance one's ability to feel joy, while others can open the heart to Divine love.

Crystals and gemstones can develop intuition and enhance clairvoyance.

Some crystals and gemstones protect by absorbing negative energy and transmuting it.

There are so many different crystals and gemstones to choose from.

You can learn more about crystals and gemstones here.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Malachite is a beautiful transformational stone.

Malachite removes blockages and aids in balancing the emotions.

Malachite is great to use in meditation to access the deeper parts of the psyche.

Learn more about Malachite.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Amethyst is calming, strong and protective.

Amethyst enhances intuition and psychic abilities.

Amethyst encourages liberation and relieves stress.

Here is some more information about Amethyst.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Obsidian is a powerfully protective stone.

Obsidian creates a shield of protection absorbing and dissolving negative energy.

Obsidian is a high frequency stone and is a great tool for healers.

Learn more about Obsidian here.