Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Geodes are formed as bubbles of volcanic rock or organic material that become buried during the forming of sedimentary rock.When the outer shell of the geode hardens, mineral rich water sometimes enters and forms crystals on the inside of the hollow stone over time.

Geodes connect one to the heart energy of Pachamama, fostering creativity, fertility, stability, and peace. These stones are fabulous to use in meditation, prayer, and reflection.

If you'd like to read more about Geode's, you can do so here.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Ruby is a stone that shields and protects the heart and fosters nobility through encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. Ruby stabilizes spirit and encourages grounding through exuding one's passion.

Read more about Ruby here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Moldavite is a translucent green form of tektite (volcanic glass created from a meteoric impact) that is well known for it's extremely powerful qualities. Moldavite is said to accelerate the path of spiritual growth and evolution. Moldavite is very useful in the aid of amplification and manifestation.

Read more about Moldavite and find yourself a specimen of your own here.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Super Seven

Super 7 is a very unique combination of stones. It contains three varieties of quartz, several metals, and assists one in maintaining balance in attaining higher spiritual vibrations. Said to help one to activate the third eye, Super 7 is remarkable in fine tuning one's intuition. If you'd like to read more about Super 7, you may do so here.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Manifestation Quartz

Manifestation Quartz is a unique configuration of quartz, it showcases a smaller fully-formed quartz crystal encased fully by a larger quartz crystal. Manifestation Crystals are great allies for releasing negativity and trauma, especially collected and held onto from one's past experiences. Manifestation Crystals help you to tap into your natural creative energies to envision a new reality for yourself and amplify that intention. Through meditation one can access this vision, program their crystal, and bring about the manifestations of their dreams.

If you're interested in reading more about Manifestation Quartz and learning other techniques of working with them, you can find that here.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Vogel Wands

Vogel wands were originally designed by Marcel Vogel, and these wands were replicated using his design in Brazil. Vogel wands were created using sacred geometry to amplify and focus the natural healing qualities of clear quartz. Vogel wands can be used in healing, manifestation, meditation, and removal of unwanted energies.

Read more about Vogel Wands here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Malachite is said to clarify, equalize, and balance emotions. Malachite soothes emotional dis-ease and aids in personal transformation. Find your own Malachite and read more about it here